Photos Taken from NIKON D7200


Black-rumped flameback
common tiger,
Indian pond heron
Spotted Joker butterfly
grey pansy butterfly kangervalley
grey pansy butterfly kangervalleynationalpark
grey pansy butterfly
Tree snake
Jungle owlet
Reflections view kanger river
Beauti of nature tirathgarh river
Beauti of nature kangervalleynationalpark
Beauti of nature
Wild flowers
Tiratgarh waterfall This block type waterfall plunges 300 ft in one drop. Being located within the Kanger National Park makes Tirathgarh Falls a spot of ecotourism as well.
fishing man
Black-hooded oriole
a flight high to the sun
the setting sun
Athi Fruit
Tirathgarh Waterfall
Beautiful view of the sun rays through the trees
Beautiful view of the lake with the sun shining
black-headed bulbul bird